A candidate of the supreme soviets must be:
1.20 years of age
2.22 years of age
3. 24 years of age
4.None of them
According to article 17 of the constitution:
1.Every republic had the right to make its own constitution
2.Every republic had the power to have commerce with foreign countries
3.Every republic had the power to leave USSR
4.None of them
During the Russian Civil War (1918-1920) the man in charge of military strategy was:
1. Leo Kamenev
2.Vladimir Lenin
3. Leon Trotsky
4.Josef Stalin
Each autonomous region was entitled to send:
1.5 deputies to the Supreme Soviet
2. 5 deputies to the soviet of nationalities
3.5 deputies to the congress of soviet
4.None of them
In 1905 Nicholas Czar of Russia finally granted the Russian people basic civil rights. This is known as:
1.October Manifesto
2.November Manifesto
3.Soviet Manifesto
4.Czarist Civil Action
In 1917 the Rusians finally want out of World War I. They sign an armistice with Germany. This treaty is known as:
1.Treaty of Bialystok
2.Treaty of Voroshilov
3.German-Soviet Pact
4.Treaty of Brest-Litovsk
In the event of disagreement the bill was referred to:
1.Soviet presidium
2.Soviet council of ministers
3. Conciliation commission
4.None of them
Judges for all courts are appointed for life by the Federation Council on the recommendation of:
1. President
2.Prime Minister
4.None of them
Mr. Leonid Brezhnev become President of USSR in:
The conciliation commission was formed:
1. By chambers of Supreme Soviet
2.By the presidium
3.By Soviet of nationalities
4.None of them
The council of ministers was appointed:
1. By secretary general of CPSU
2. By president of USSR
3.By supreme soviets
4. None of them
The economic foundation of USSR was:
1.The ownership of peasant class
2.The ownership of the working class
3.The socialist system of economy
4.None of them
The first secret police of communist (Bolshevik) Russia was known as:
The main opposition party in Russian Federation is:
1. Russian Democratic Party
2. Communist Party of Russia
3.Russian Social Democratic Party
4.None of them
The reformist policy first was pushed by:
4.None of them
The supreme soviet of USSR is a:
1.Unicameral house
2. Bicameral house
3.Tri-cameral house
4.None of them
The term suffrage means:
1.To bear and suffer
2.Allow black people to vote
3.The right to vote
4.None of them
The USSR comprised of:
1.13 Republics
2.14 Republics
3.15 Republics
4.None of them
This one-time ally of Stalin was ousted from the Politburo in 1929. He would die in the purges in 1938. Who was he?
1.General Wrangel
2.Nikolai Bukharin
3.Sergey Mironov
4.None of them
U.S.S.R was officially dissolved an:
1.29th December 1991
2.25th December 1991
3. 27th December 1991
4.25th December 1992
USSR constitution of 1977 is known after:
4.None of them
Who was the Chief Prosecuto during the Great purges?
1.Andrey Vyshinsky
2.Nikolai Bukharin
3.Sergey Mironov
4.None of them
General Secretary Mikhail Gorbachev introduced Glasnost and Perestroika in an attempt to modernize:
4.None of them
In 1990 ______ became president of the Russian republic and in 1991 he was reelected to the position in the republic s first popular election.
1. Borix Yeltsin
4.None of them
Provision was made for:
1.Unicameral parliament
2.Bicameral parliament
3.Presidential form of democracy
4.None of them
Russian Independence Day:
1.25th June 1990
2.16th June 1990
3.12th June 1990
4.19th June 1990
The constitution could be amended by:
1. Simple majority of the chamber
2.Not less than 2/3 majority of both the chambers
3.2/3 majority of only soviets nationalities
4.None of them
The constitution of 1924 lasted up to:
4.None of them
The procurator general was elected:
1.By supreme soviets
2. By soviets of republics
3. By soviets of nationalities
4.None of them
The Supreme Soviet exercised all powers vested into it in accordance with the:
1.Article 10 to the constitution
2. Article 14 of the constitution
3.Article 15 of the constitution
4.None of them
The supreme soviets members were elected for:
1.Three years
2.Four years
3.Five years
4.None of them
This General set up a regime in Crimea from March to November 1920. Who was this General?
2.General Wrangel
3.Vladimir Volfovich
4.Sergey Mironov
What are Okrugs Krais and Oblasts?
1.Administrative units
2.Russian gangsters
3.Geological features
4.None of them
Who is the leader of the political party Liberal Democratic Party of _____ Russia or LDPR?
1.Nikita Belykh
2.Vladimir Volfovich Zhirinavskiy
3.General Wrangel
4.Sergey Mironov
Who is the leader of the political party Union of Right Forces or URF?
1.General Wrangel
3.Nikita Belykh
4.None of them
Who is the leader of the political party United Russia or UR?
1. Baris Vyacheslavovich Gryzlov
2.Nikita Belykh
4.Vladimir Volfovich
Who succeeded Lenin?
A law was considered passed if both the houses:
1. Passed it by simple majority
2.Passed it by 2/3 majority
3. Passed it by thorough consensus
4.None of them
An important characteristic of 1936 constitution was:
1.Principles of democratic autonomy
2.Principles of democratic sovereignty
3.Principles of democratic centralism
4.None of them
Brezhnev was succeeded by:
4.None of them
Communist party enjoyed the position of:
1.Of supreme legislative body in USSR
2.B. A supreme executive body in USSR
3.Monopolized legality of the state
4.None of them
Each chamber of the supreme soviets had:
1.A President
2.A Chairman
3.A Speaker
4.None of them
Each union republic sent:
1. 15 deputies to soviet of nationalities
2.20 deputies to soviet of nationalities
3. 25 deputies to soviet of nationalities
4.None of them
In March 1921 there was an uprising against the Bolshevik regime that was started by 15 000 sailors. This was known as:
1.Kronstadt Rebellion
2.Petrodvorets Revolt
3.Boxer Rebellion
4.March Rebellion
Perestroika means:
2. Deviation from communist ideology
4.None of them
Russia adopted a new currently constitution on:
1. 12th December 1993
2.12th December 1994
3.12th December 1995
4.12th December 1997
Russia proclaimed a republic after Russian Revolution in:
Stalin exiled Trotsky from the Soviet Union. Where did Trotsky end up?
Supreme Soviet was in reality a:
1.Highest authority
2.Sovereign body
3.Rubber stamp
4.None of them
Tactics to prevent the passage of bill are known as:
2.Dilly dallying
4.None of them
The communist party was:
1. A conglomerate of different groups
2.A conglomerate of bourgeoisie and proletariat
3.Was conglomerate of middle class peasants and workers
4.None of them
The declared object of 1918 constitution was:
1.To make Russia a democratic country
2.To end the political turmoil in the Russia
3.To establish proletariat dictator ship in Russia
4.None of them
The draft of the constitution of 1918 was approved:
1.By the fourth all Russia congress of the soviet
2.By the fifth all Russia congress of the soviet
3. By the sixth all Russia congress of the soviet
4.None of them
The highest organ of state power in every republic was:
1.The presidium of the republic
2.The supreme soviet of the republic
3.Republican congress
4.None of them
The highest political organ of the communist party was:
1.Central committee of the party
2.Political bureau of the party
3.Control commission of the party
4.None of them
The last secretary general of the soviet communist party was:
1. Boris Yeltsin
2.Genadey Yaneyov
3.Edward Shiward Nardzdy
4.None of them
The lowest unit of communist party:
1.Was called cell
2.Is called primary organization
3.Local committee
4.None of them
The Russian S.F.S.R (Soviet Federated Socialist Republic) joined other soviet republics in 1922 to form:
4.None of them
The Soviet of Union was elected by the Soviet citizens voting by:
1. Election districts
2.Election constituency
3.Election commissars
4.None of them
The Stalin constitution is called:
1.The constitution of 1918
2.The constitution of 1924
3.The constitution of 1936
4.None of them
The USSR was established in:
This Leader was deported in 1926:
2.Lean Trotsky
3.General Wrangel
4.Vladimir Volfovich
Upon the dissolution of the U.S.S.R. In 1991 the Russian S.F.S.R was renamed and became the leading members the:
1.Commonwealth of Nations
3.Commonwealth of Independent States
4.None of them
What does NEP stand for?
1.New Economic Policy
2.New Email Policy
3.New Economic Program
4.None of them
What does USSR stand for?
1.United Socialist Soviet Republics
2.Union of Socialist Soviet Republics
3.Union of Soviet Socialist republics
4. United Soviet Socialist Republics
What was Lenin s real name?
1.Leon Kamenev
2.Vladimir Iiych Ulyanov
3. Ivan Turgenev
4.Ivan Mikhaelovich Gorky
What year did Lenin die?
Which of the following courts was not recognized by the Constitution of former USSR?
1.Military Tribunal
2.Peoples Courts
3.Courts of Autonomous Regions
4.None of the above
Who is the leader of the political party Just Russia or JR ?
1.Sergey Mironov
2.Gennadiy Andreyevich Zyuganov
3. Nikita Belykh
4.None of them
Who is the leader of the political party Communist Party of the Russian Federation of CPRF:
1. Sergey Mironov
2.Gennadiy Andreyevich Zyuganov
3.Nikita Belykh
Work in USSR was a duty and matter of:
2.Personal benefit
4.None of them