According to Marxian theory revolutions come in the society because:
1. The capitalists so desire
2.The religious people manipulate that
3.Continuous class struggle is going on
4. Educated masses get dissatisfied
Marxism and Anarchism differ on their views about:
1.Capital is a theft
2. Condemnation of state
3.Classless society
4.Trade unionism
Which of the following is correct about Marx?
1.He believed in the existence of a supreme universal soul
2.He believed in the soul
3. He believed that the world is a manifestation of supreme universal soul
4.He believed that matter is the ultimate reality
Which one of the following is incorrect about Marx?
1.He advocated abolition of capitalism
2. He stood for classless society
3.He pleaded stateless society
4. He pleaded for democracy as a means of social transformation
Which one of the following is not true about Marxian Socialism?
1. The state will be replaced by classless society
2. They favour negative freedom for members
3.They hold faith in planned economy
4.They are opposed to production for the sake of profit
Which one of the following is not true about Marxian Socialists?
1.They are opposed to capitalist system
2.Capitalism cannot introduce reforms
3.They lay stress on social good
4.They want system of production to meet needs of community
Which one of the following is true about proletariat?
1. It is rule of capitalist class
2.It is government by the people
3.It means rule of educated classes
4. It means rule of the working classes
According to Karl Marx the present state will:
1. Continue for long
2.Will wither away
3.Deliver goods with the passage of time
4.Slowly benefit the workers
According to Marx the state is:
1.The ethical idea
2.A necessary evil
3. Necessary good
4.An instrument of class exploitation
Communist Manifesto was authored by:
2. Karl Marx
4.George Bernard Shah
Karl Marx was born in:
Lenin contributed to Marxism by:
1. Giving labour theory of value
2. Modifying theory of class struggle
3.Theory of surplus value
4.None of these
Marx suggested that before state is finally abolished during the transitory period:
1.A. Private sector should be allowed to continue as it is
2.Private sector should be strengthened
3.There should be nationalisation of all industries
4.There should be nationalisation of small scale industries alone
On which of the following grounds has Marxian not been rightly criticised?
1.He has given one sided interpretation of history
2.He has given undue place to social forces in history
3.His theory of class struggle is untenable
4.It sacrifices individual at the cost of society
Which one of the following is not true about Marxian Socialism?
1. Capital is a theft
2.State will wither away
3.State promotes interests of all
4.State sides with the rich and not the poor
Which one of the following is regarded by Gustav Rains as an important indicator of development?
1.Growth of trade unions
2. Extent to which the social and political institutions are reorganised
3. The growthe of bureaucracy
4.None of the above
A capitalist adds to his wealth because:
1. The workers wish so
2. Machines installed by him produce more
3.There is difference between exchange value of what is produced and what is paid
4. Capitalist can win the cooperation of the workers
According to Karl Marx main factor which has been inflouncing and continues to influence society is:
1.Social factor
2.Political factor
3.Economic factor
4.Religious factor
According to Karl Marx societies have all along been divided between:
1.The rich and the poor
2.The educated and the elite
3.The religious and the educated people
4.The rich and the religious people
According to Karl Marx under the dictatorship of the proletariat means of production will be used for:
1.The benefit of producers
2.Social good
3.The benefit of consumers
4.The welfare of the working labourers
According to Karl Marx workers:
1.Had no mother land
2.Have a motherland to which they must stick
3.Should confine their activities to their country
4.Should give maximum cooperation to the state
According to Karl Max proletariat revolution will be caused by:
1.Strong and centralised workers
2. Trade Unions
3. The landlords
4.Industrial owners
According to Marx motive force of history is:
1. Gods will
2.Great ideas
3.Great personalities
4.None of these
According to Marx value of the commodity would be fixed in accordance with:
1.Capital in vested in it
2.Machinery used for production
3.The extent of its dependence on the foreign market
4.The socially useful labour put in it
According to Marxian philosophy dialect:
1. It result of actions and reactions
2. No actions and reactions but matter
3. Means that action and reaction must be in the same direction
4.Non of them
Dialectical materialism of Marx believes that:
1. Social phenomena is applicable to political life
2.Social phenomena has nothing to do with political life
3.Social phenomena is antithesis of political life
4.Political Life and social phenomena cant go hand in hand
Karl Marx believed that social change can be brought about by:
1.Evolutionary means only
2. Revolutionary means only
3.By spread of education only
4.With the help of both evolutionary and revolutionary methods
Marx believed that in the present capitalist system of society:
1. The number of workers will come down
2.Middle class will become powerful
3.Ranks of middle class will swallow
4.Middle class will form the rank of the workers
Marx borrowed from Hegel:
1.Materialistic philosophy
2.The labour theory of value
3.The ideal of statesless society
4.Dialectical method
Marx has been criticised for his views:
1.That capital is a theft
2.Private property is source of exploitation
3.Religion is the opium of the people
4. He has prounded no guarantee for non-working classes in his society
Marxian philosophy has been criticised because:
1. His idea that state will wither away has not come true
2.His ideas that workers will unite has proved failure
3.For his philosophy that state will expand
4.For his views about capitalist system
The Wages Labour and Capital was written by:
4.Karl Marx
Under the dictatorship of the proletariat according to Karl Marx:
1.There will be all honour to mental labour
2.Mental labour will be preferred over manual labour
3.Manual labour will be preferred over mental labour
4.There will be no distinction between the mental and the manual labour
Which of the following is not an element of Marxism?
1. Dialectical materialism
2.Historical materialism
3. The theory of surplus value
4.The view that the state is an ethical idea
Which of the following is not true about Marxian Socialists?
1. They favour positive freedom for members
2. They are opposed to planned economy
3. They are opposed to private property
4.They are opposed to inequality
Which one of following is not true about socialism?
1.They do not favour individual liberty against state
2.They assume that the state will wither away
3.The believe that the state is means to an end
4.They believe that state has always been siding with propertied classes
While giving materialistic interpretation of History Marx believed that:
1. Great men change the course of history
2.Historical events so move that some people become great
3. Course of history and greatness of the people have nothing to do with each other
4.Course of history is static and as such question of change does not arise
Who of the following believed in class struggle?
1. J.S. Mill
3.T.H. Green
4.Karl Marx
Who said first workers of the world unite:
4. Karl Marx
With Marx salient features of the historians in the past was that:
1.They covered the activities of masses
2.They covered the relationship of masses with rulers
3.The exaggerated peoples movements against their rulers
4.They recorded events glorifying the rulers