All members of the Constituent Assembly will be Indians was provided:
1.In August Offer (1940)
2.Cripps Proposals
3.Wavel Plan
4.Cabinet Mission
August Offer of 1940 provided for:
1.Provincial autonomy
2.Appointment of India as Governor-General
3. A new constitution for India was given by British Parliament
4. Full freedom for Indians was assured
Dunda s Bill was:
1.Passed with narrow majority
2.Passed with overwhelming majority
3.Not passed
4.Passed with the intervention of king
For the first time a provision for the spread of education in India was made under:
1.Charter Act of 1793
2.Charter Act of 1813
3.Charter Act 1833
4.Charter Act of 1853
In the initial stages Pitt s India Bill was:
1.Defeated and House dessolved
2.Carried with voice vote
3.Defeated but the House not dissolved
4.Passed after several amendments
The number of Directors of the Company was reduced from 24 to 18 under the Charter Act of:
Under Charter Act 1793 privileges of East India Company were extended by:
1.10 years
2.15 years
3.20 years
4.30 years
Under the Act of 1786 the Governor General:
1.Was not to consult his council
2.Was not empowered to veto its decisions
3.Was bound to consult council and accept its advice
4.Was expected to consult his council but not obliged to accept its advice
Which of the following is not true about Regulating Act 1773?
1.The Governor-General was placed at the mercy of his council
2.The Governor-General was made completely autocrat
3.Governor-General was reduced to cipher
4.It was not specified what type of law the courts will administer
Which of the following is not true about Regulating: Act 1773?
1.No machinery was provided for scrutinising company correspondence with the Government
2.It was accepted that the company was a political organisation
3.It was step towards ending company s misrule
4.Government accepted the responsiblity towards India
Which one of the following is not true about the Charter Act of 1853?
1. It renewed the Charter of the Company for 20 years
2.Directors were empowered to create a new province
3.Law member was made a regular member
4.Executive and legislative functions of Governor-General s Councils were separated
Which one of the following is not true about the Government of India Act 1861?
1.Board of Directors was abolished
2.Board of Control was abolished
3.A Council for secreatary of state was created
4.A separate province of U.P. Was created
Which one of the following was not a cause for the enactment of Act of 1892?
1.Indian National Congress had been founded
2.Poverty of the people was on the increase
3.Enlightened educated class was demanding more rights
4.Government was favourably inclined to accept Congress demands
A provision was made for a separate Governor of Bengal under the Charter Act of:
Appointment of all covenanted services was to be made on the basis of open competition was provided under the Act of:
Development of representative institutions began with the passing of Act of:
First Regulating Act was passed because:
1.East India Company was to be given more freedom
2.British Parliament wanted to have some hand in the affairs of the Company
3.On the advice of the Prime Minister
The First Regulating Act was passed in the year:
The Government of India Act 1919 will be remembered in. India because:
1.It introduced communal system of representation
2. It started dyarchy
3. It gave wide political powers to Indians
4.It established non-official majority in the centre
The Pitt s India Act ws passed in the year:
The system of double Government in Bengal introduced in Bengal by:
1. Lord Landsdowne
2.Lord Cannings
3.Lord Dalhousie
4.Lord Lytton
Trade with India except in tea was thrown open to all British subjects by the Act of:
1. Pitt s India Act 1784
2.Amending Act 1781
3.Act of 1786
4.Charter Act 1793
Which one of the following is not one of the important effects of Act of 1861?
1.It made a beginning in the representative institution
2. It made beginning in legislative devolution
3. Government got opportunity to defend its policies
4. It made legislatures really a representative body
Which one of the following is not true of Charter Act of 1793?
1.Promotion of the civil servants was not to be based on seniority
2. Privileges of the company were extended
3.Members of Board of Control were made paid
4.Each presidency was to have a Governor
Which was one of the main provisions of the Amending Act of 1781?
1. Public servants on duty were brought under Supreme Court jurisdiction
2.Public servants of the Company while on duty were exempted from Supreme Court jurisdictions
3.The court was to administer personal law of defendant
4.Court was to show respect for religious law
1.The Act of 1858 had been passed in haste
2.Centralised system of legislation was inadequate
3.Provincial Governments were not tolerating Bengal domination
4.Provinces wanted complete customary from Bengal Council
A law member was added to the Council of Governor-General by the Act of:
A Law Member was added to the General under the Act of:
A provision was made for the first time that all members of Viceroy s Executive Council except two will be Indian in:
1.August Offer 1940
2.Cripps Proposals
3.Wavel Plan
4.Cabinet Mission Proposals
A specific provision was made for the recruitment of Indians on merits only in the Act of:
About commercial and non-commercial functions of the Company Fox East India Bill provided:
1.These should be merged
2.These should be completely separated
3.There should be status quo
4.Both should be controlled by the Board of Directors
Bicameral system of legislature in India was introduced by the Act of:
British Missionaries were permitted to under the Act of:
By the Provisions of Pitt s India Act 1784 the strength of the members of Governor-General s Council was:
3. Kept as it was
4. Left to him to decide subsequently.
Chatter Act 1853 is important because it:
1.Created Supreme Court
2.Increased the number of Directors of the Company
3.Created legislative Council in India
4.Renewed the Charter of the Company for another crucial 20 years
Company s trade monopoly with China was ended with the Act of:
Cripps proposals made a provision for:
1.Immediate setting up of a constitution making body
2.A constitution making body after war
3.Did not discuss about constitution making body
4.Dominion status for India was promised
Dunda introduced amending bill in the year:
For one reason for which Charter Act of 1833 will be remembered is that:
1.It made a beginning of Indian legislature
2.It made a beginning of separate judiciary
3.It defined centre-provinces financial relations
4.It reduced the powers of control of British Parliament
In 1890 a Bill to amend Act of 1861 in the House of Common was moved by:
1.Lord North Brooke
2.Lord Sinha
3.Charles Bradlaugh
4.None of these
One of the important provisions of the Government of India Act 1858 was that:
1.It violated all the treaties concluded by East India Company
2. It transferred Indian administration from Company to Crown
3. It created Legislative Council for India
4.It permitted Indians to appear in administrative services examinations
One of the important provisions of the Regulating Act was that:
1. It created a Supreme Court in India
2. It raised the status of Commander-in-Chief of armed forces in India
3. It permitted company s servants to have private trade
4. It reduced the status of the Governor of Bengal
One of the serious defects of Regulating Act 1773 was that it did not define the relationship of Supreme Court with:
1. Board of Directors in England
2.Board of Control in England
3.British Parliament D.
4.Governor-General in India
Regulating Act 1773 will be remembered in Indian history because:
1.It started Parliamentary form of government
2.It made a beginning of written constitution in India
3. It provided for a legislative assembly
4.It gave Indians a sharr in the running of their administration.
System of communal representation in legislative bodies in India was introduced with the Government of India Act:
The Act of 1919 failed in its actual working because:
1.British Parliament too much interfered
2.British press was opposed to the Act
3.Governor did not promote sense of joint responsibility
4.Indian Ministers were incompetent
The Act of 1935 is associated with:
1.Communal representation in India
2.Introduction of dyarchy in provinces
3.Responsible Government took charge in the centre
4.Provincial autonomy was started
The Act of 1947 will be remembered because:
1.By it India was partitioned
2.Indian was appointed as Governor-General of India
3.Communal representation was brought to an end
4.India decided to leave Commonwealth
The Amending Act of 1781 primarily dealt with the:
1.British Parliament
2.Provincial Governors
3.Supreme Court in India
4.House of Commons in India
The Charter Act 1813 will be remembered in India because it made a beginning by making specific budgetary provisions for:
1. Starting new railway lines
2.Starting new post offices
4.Constructing new roads
The Governor-General in India was given the powers to override the majority decision of his Council by:
1.Regulating Act 1773
2.Pitt s India Act 1784
3.Amending Act 1781
4.Act of 1786
The name of Lord Morley is associated with the Act of:
The office of High Commissioner for India was created by the Act of:
The Pitt s India Act wass an improvement upon the Regulating Act because it helped at the settlement of disputes between:
1.The members of the Council themselves
2.Mombers of the Council and Governor-General
3.Members of the Council and Judges of Supreme Court
4.Governor-General and Chief Justice of Supreme Court
The qualifications that the Members of Council of Governor-General should have resided for more than a decade in India before their appointments were prescribed by:
1.Pitt s India Act 1784
2.Charter Act 1793
3.Charter Act 1813
4.Charter Act 1833
The system of double Government in Bengal was introduced in the year
Trade in India was thrown open to all the Act of:
Under Charter Act of 1833 the Charter of the Company was:
1.Renewed for 15 years
2. Renewed for 20 years
3.Not Renewed
4.None of the above
Under of the Act of 1833 was set up:
1.A law Commission
2. trade Commission
3.Police Commission
4.Board of National Trade
Under the Act of 1833 powers of superintendence were vested in:
1.Board of Directors
2.Board of Council
3.Provincial Governors
4.Governor-General in India
Under the Amending Act 1781 the Supreme Court was to administer the law of:
1.The Presiding Judge
2.The English Law
3.The law of the defendant
4.The law of the accused
Under the Charter Act of 1833 a provision was made for a Commission to:
1.Regulate centre-state financial relations
2.Suggest new tax structure
3.Organise armed forces
4.Codity laws
Which of the following is not true about Board of Control set up under Pitt s India Act?
1.Secretary of State was its ex-officio member
2.It was vested with the power of making appointments
3.It was denied access to any of Company papers
4.Directors of the Company were bound to accept their orders
Which one of the following is not a valid criticism against Pitt s India Act?
1. Board of Control s effective control was remote
2.It resulted in weak administration
3.Directors of Company remained still unpaid
4. It loaded Board of Control with heavy responsibilities
Which one of the following is not true about Board of Control set up under Pitt s India Act?
1.It could send secret letters to Court of Directors
2.It could not send secret letters to the Court of Directors
3.Chancellor of exchequer was its ex-officio member
4. Its maximum strength was fixed at six
Which one of the following is not true about Charter Act of 1813?
1.It was to keep a fix sum apart for meeting eventualities
2.Board s power of superintendence remained underfined
3.It permitted coming of Christian missionaries to India
4. It abolished company s trade monopoly in India
Which one of the following was not the effect of Act of 1892?
1. Indians got an opportunity to enter Councils
2.That legislature should control executive
3.That the executive was supreme body over legislature
4.That members were allowed to put questions
Which one of the following was not the provision of Act of 1861?
1.Number of ordinary executive councillor was raised to five
2.Secretary of State was empowered to appoint C-in-C as extraordinary member of his council
3.Assent of Governor-General was necessary for all bills
4.Governor-General could not revoke a measure passed by Governor s Council
Which was not the main provision of Regulating Act of 1773?
1.All proprietors were entitled to vote for the appointment of Director-General
2.Governor-General was to obey majority decision
3.Provision was made for a supreme court
4.Servants of the Company were forbidden to receive presents