ADF ( Azure Data Factory ) interview questions for experienced/ADF Interview Questions and Answers for Freshers & Experienced

What is the difference between trinidad.config and trinidad.skins?

trinidad.config file is ceated when you create a webcenter portal application. This is used to register the skin-family you are going to use for your entire application. Trinidad.skins is used when we use skin as a Jar file. This file provides a mapping between the Skin Id and the actual path where the skin exists.

Posted Date:- 2021-09-28 06:15:56

How to pass ''af:selectOneChoice'' value to other page?

Add valuePassThru="true" attribute to select list.

Posted Date:- 2021-09-28 06:15:13

How to Use the pageFlowScope Scope Within Java Code

You can access pageFlow scope from within any Java code in your application. Remember to clear the scope once you are finished.
Note: If your application uses ADF Controller, then you do not have to manually clear the scope.
To use pageFlowScope in Java code:
To get a reference to the pageFlowScope scope, use the org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.context.RequestContext. getPageFlowScope() method.
For example, to retrieve an object from the pageFlowScope scope, you might use the following Java code:

import java.util.Map;
import org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.context.RequestContext;
Map pageFlowScope = RequestContext.getCurrentInstance().getPageFlowScope();
Object myObject = pageFlowScope.get("myObjectName");
To clear the pageFlowScope scope, access it and then manually clear it.
For example, you might use the following Java code to clear the scope:

RequestContext afContext = RequestContext.getCurrentInstance();

Posted Date:- 2021-09-28 06:14:30

Difference between mapping and wrangling data flows?


It provides ways to transform data at scale without coding.
Data flow is great.
Helps in transforming data with both known and unknown schemas in the sinks and sources.


It allows us to do agile data preparation using Power Query Online mashup editor at scale via spark execution.
Data flow is less formal.
Helps in model based analytics scenarios.

Posted Date:- 2021-09-28 06:06:11

What is Cloud Computing?

Cloud computing allows all businesses and individuals for comsuming computing resources such as virtual machines, databases, processing, memory, services, storage, or event number of calls or events and pay-as-you-go.It is culmination of numerous attempts at a large scale computing with seamless access.
Cloud Computing is scalable and reliable as there is no limit on the number of users of resources.As it increases processing and resources.

Posted Date:- 2021-09-28 06:05:18

What are the different types/categories of Taskflows ?

Taskflows are of two categories : Bounded and UnBounded.

Posted Date:- 2021-09-28 06:01:59

Where is that we write business rules/validations in ADF and why?

We should be writing validations at Entity Object level, because they provide highest degree of reuse.

Posted Date:- 2021-09-28 06:01:26

Can an entity object be based on two Database Objects(tables/views) or two Webservices ?

No entity objects will always have one to one relationship with a database object or web service.

Posted Date:- 2021-09-28 06:00:50

Can Service Methods return Complex Data types?

No, service methods can return only primitive/scalar data types.

Posted Date:- 2021-09-28 06:00:16

What are the different kinds of Bean Scopesin JSF?

JSF supports three Bean Scopes.

Request Scope: The request scope is short-lived. It starts when an HTTP request is submitted and ends when the response is sent back to the client.

Session Scope: The session scope persists from the time that a session is established until session termination.

Application Scope: The application scope persists for the entire duration of the web application. This scope is shared among all the requests and sessions.

Posted Date:- 2021-09-28 05:57:53

What are various components in ADF?

* Oracle ADF has following$ components
* ADF +business (components Model)
* ADF Faces (view)
* ADF Task flows(controller)

Posted Date:- 2021-09-28 05:56:16

Explain Data Control Palette hierarchy

Data Control Palette hierarchy: The Data Control Palette displays two types of actions:

Actions that typically operate on all data collections in the current web page’s binding context (such as Commit and Rollback) in the Operations folder at the root level of the hierarchy.

Operations on a specific data collection (for example, MyView1). Data collection-specific operations (such as Create and Delete) appear in the Operations folder as child nodes of the collection in the Data Control Palette.

Posted Date:- 2021-09-28 05:55:30

Advantage of Task Flow Over JSF flow?

ADF task flows offer significant advantages over standard JSF page flows

-The application can be broken up into a series of modular flows that call one another.

-You can add to the task flow diagram nodes such as views, method calls, and calls to other task flows.

-Navigation is between pages as well as other activities, including routers.

-ADF task flows are reusable within the same or an entirely different application. After you break up your application into task flows, you may decide to reuse task

-Shared memory scope (for example, page flow scope) enables data to be passed between activities within the task flow. Page flow scope defines a unique storage area for each instance of an ADF bounded task flow.

Posted Date:- 2021-09-28 05:54:48

What is the return type of Service Methods?

Service Methods can return Scalar or Primitive Data types.

Posted Date:- 2021-09-28 05:52:57

Can an entity object be based on two Database Objects(tables/views) or two Webservices?

No, Directly its not possible to create EO using multiple tables.

Entity objects will always have one to one relationship with a database object or web service.

But using views you can create Entity Objects on multiple tables.

Posted Date:- 2021-09-28 05:51:43

What do you mean by variables in the azure data factory ?

Variables is the adf pipeline provide the functionality to temporary hold the values. They are used for similar reason like we do use variables in the programming language. They are available inside the pipeline and there is set inside the pipeline. Set Variable and append variable are two type of activities used for the setting or manipulating the variables values. There are two types of the variable :

System variable
User Variables

System variable: These are some kind of the fixed variable from the azure pipeline itself. For example pipeline name, pipeline id, trigger name etc. You mostly need this to get the system information which might be needed in your use case.

User variable : User variable is something which you declared manually based on your logic of the pipeline.

Posted Date:- 2021-09-28 05:47:46

What is the main advantage of the AutoResolveIntegrationRuntime ?

Advantage of AutoResolveIntegrationRuntime is that it will automatically try to run the activities in the same region if possible or close to the region of the sink data source. This can improve the performance a lot.

Posted Date:- 2021-09-28 05:44:26

What are the different types of integration runtime ?

There are 3 types of the integration runtime available in the Azure data factory. We can choose based upon our requirement the specific integration runtime best fitted in specific scenario. The three types are :

* Azure IR
* Self-hosted
* Azure-SSIS

Posted Date:- 2021-09-28 05:43:21

What is <f:facet> ?

This tag is used to add a facet to the component means this tag is used to add its child as a facet of the closest parent component.

With the help of this tag we can add header and footer facet to the container component like panelGroup.

Posted Date:- 2021-09-28 05:33:24

What is Bundled Exception Mode in ADF?

An application module provides a feature called bundled exception mode which allows web applications to easily present a maximal set of failed validation exceptions to the end user, instead of presenting only the first error that gets raised. By default, the ADF Business Components application module pool enables bundled exception mode for web applications.

You typically will not need to change this default setting. However it is important to understand that it is enabled by default since it effects how validation exceptions are thrown. Since the Java language and runtime only support throwing a single exception object, the way that bundled validation exceptions are implemented is by wrapping a set of exceptions as details of a new “parent” exception that contains them. For example, if multiple attributes in a single entity object fail attribute-level validation, then these multiple ValidationException objects will be wrapped in a RowValException. This wrapping exception contains the row key of the row that has failed validation. At transaction commit time, if multiple rows do not successfully pass the validation performed during commit, then all of the RowValException objects will get wrapped in an enclosing TxnValException object.

When writing custom error processing code, you can use the getDetails() method of the JboException base exception class to recursively process the bundled exceptions contained inside it.

Posted Date:- 2021-09-28 05:32:39

Can we change DB connection for any particular AM?

YES, follow steps to change DB connection:

>> Double click on AM.
>> GO to the configuration tab, click on configuration file bc4j.xml
>> Here we have attribute JDBCName under element AppModuleConfig, change the connection which is created for other DB.

Posted Date:- 2021-09-28 05:31:52

What is the purpose of adfc-config.xml?

The adfc-config.xml file is the configuration file for an ADF unbounded task flow. This file contains metadata about the activities and control flows contained in the unbounded task flow.

Posted Date:- 2021-09-28 05:31:01

Define Iterator Binding.

This binding is created by the application to access the ADF binding context. It contains a reference to the page bound data collection, helps access it and iterates over its data objects.

Posted Date:- 2021-09-28 05:30:37

What is the difference between databindings.cpx and datacontrol.dcx?

The DataBindings.cpx file contains the Oracle ADF binding context for your entire application and provides the metadata from which the Oracle ADF binding objects are created at runtime.

The DataControls.dcx file is created when you register data controls on the business services. This file is not generated for Oracle ADF Business Components. It identifies the Oracle ADF model layer data control classes(factory classes) that facilitate the interaction between the client and the available business service.

Posted Date:- 2021-09-28 05:30:03

What is policy store and identity store in OID?

Identity Store is used to store information about users and groups while the Policy Store is used to store information about security policies.

Posted Date:- 2021-09-28 05:29:37

Can you make View Link bidirectional?

Yes, you can make a view link bidirectional. It’s handled by view link query. View Links created on Association are also bidirectional.

Posted Date:- 2021-09-28 05:28:59

View Link is an active link between view objects.You can create view links by providing the Source & destination VO attributes.

Oracle ADF view links are business components that define a relationship between two Oracle ADF view object definitions (the “source” and “destination” view objects) based on sets of view attributes (the “source” and “destination” attributes) from each. These can range from simple one-to-many relationships to complex many-to-many relationships. This allows you to easily create master/detail relationships between data controls in the client. For example, creating a view link between view objects will allow you to create relationships between:

>> A dropdown list for selecting a customer and a table displaying that customer’s orders.
>> The nodes in a tree control and their respective children.
>> An HTML page containing two frames: one that allows the user to browse for items and the other that .>> lists the wherehouses in which the selected item is stored.

View Links can be created using:

>> Two View objects
>> Based on EO Association

Posted Date:- 2021-09-28 05:28:24

Explain the Invoke application in the life-cycle phase of JSF.

In this phase the JSF controller invokes the application to handle Form submissions.

Posted Date:- 2021-09-28 05:23:04

Explain the Update model values in the life-cycle phase of JSF.

In this phase JSF updates the actual values of the server-side model ,by updating the properties of your backing beans.

Posted Date:- 2021-09-28 05:22:38

Write Code To Access The Current Row And Or The View Object Inside Your Bean.?

code to access the current row and or the view object inside your bean:

BindingContainer bc = BindingContext.getCurrent().getCurrentBindingsEntry();
DCBindingContainer dcbc = (DCBindingContainer) bc;
DCIteratorBinding lBinding = dcbc.findIteratorBinding("EmployeesViewIterator");
EmployeesViewRow row = (EmployeesViewRow) lBinding.getCurrentRow();
EmployeesView view = (EmployeesView) lBinding.getViewObject();

Posted Date:- 2021-09-28 05:21:49

What Is The Purpose Of Jazn-data.xml?

This file is used for defining the permissions and privileges for various groups of users on various task flows created in the application.

Posted Date:- 2021-09-28 05:21:17

What Are Contextual Events?

Contextual event ,in simple terms is a way to communicate between taskflows.Sometimes we have taskflow open in a region and have to get some values from that taskflow .This scenario can be achieved by contextual event.

Contextual Event have two parts:

Publisher Event (Producer)- As button or any component that can raise event.

Handler Event (Customer)- that listens and process event published by producer.

Posted Date:- 2021-09-28 05:20:50

In Case Of Java Control Or Ejb Does It Have A Datacontrol.dcx File?

datacontrols.dcx exists when you create custom data controls based on POJOs, web services, EJBs and the like. It describes or stores the metadata about the data control, essentially the wiring required to make the underlying service (e.g. POJOs, web services) exposed through the data control palette, and the runtime settings so the View Controller layer knows how to make use of it.

Posted Date:- 2021-09-28 05:20:23

What Is Meta Data Commit During Life Cycle Phase Of Adf What Happens Here?

The metadata changes are written to the MDS repository after the JSF Invoke Application phase in JSF life cycle.

Posted Date:- 2021-09-28 05:19:58

What Is Inter-portlet Communication?

Inter-portlet communication is achieved when an action in one portlet triggers a response in the second portlet. Its a communication bridge between two portlets. For eg, one portlet contains a checkbox containing list of products. When i choose a product from the list and click on submit, the other portlet displays the details of the respective product.

Posted Date:- 2021-09-28 05:19:39

What Is The Difference Between Setting An Immediate=true On A Button And Immediate=true On A Text Field?

When immediate is true on a button, the command’s action and ActionListeners, including the default ActionListener provided by the JavaServer Faces implementation, will be executed during Apply Request Values phase of the request processing lifecycle, rather than waiting until the Invoke Application phase.

In case of a text field, by default, values are converted and validated together in the Process Validators phase. However, if you need access to the value of a component during Apply Request Values – for example, if you need to get the value from an actionListener on an immediate commandButton – then setting this to "immediate" makes that possible.

Life Cycle for Immediate="true" on input component is

Restore View->Apply Request Values->Process Validations->Update Model->Invoke App->Render Response

Life Cycle for Immediate="true" on command component is

Restore View->Apply Request Values->Render Response.

Posted Date:- 2021-09-28 05:19:22

What Is The Life Cycle Of Jsf?

Restore View : The request comes to the FacesServet controller which extracts the viewed from this request.

Apply request values: The purpose of the apply request values phase is for each component to retrieve its current state. The components must first be retrieved or created from the FacesContext object, followed by their values.

Process validations: This phase makes use of the validators to validate the validation rules on the fields..

Update model values: In this phase JSF updates the actual values of the server-side model ,by updating the properties of your backing beans.

Invoke application: Here the JSF controller invokes the application action to handle Form submissions.

Render response: In this phase JSF displays the view with all of its components in their current state.

Posted Date:- 2021-09-28 05:18:39

What Are Valuators’ And Converters?

Valuators’ and Convertors are used to provide conversion and validation capabilities to the ADF input components respectively.

Converters convert the values on ADF forms to the type in which the application accepts them after the values are edited on the form and submitted.

Valuators’ are used to impose validations on the input components.

Posted Date:- 2021-09-28 05:18:13

How Do You Define Pagination In Adf?

We define custom pagination in ADF by creating a custom table as a taskflow using the af:iterator tag. This renders the collection of data just as a table renders it. Now we bind the value property of iterator to collection model from ADF bindings declaration and set the number of visible row to, say 15.

Posted Date:- 2021-09-28 05:17:56

What Is The Difference Between Visible Property And Render Property?

The visible property is set to true/false based on the requirement whether we want to see the field on the page or not at run time. The field or component still exists on the page, though hidden.

The render property is used to conditionally load the component based on a criteria.

Posted Date:- 2021-09-28 05:17:41

What Is The Difference Between An Action And An Action Listener?

Actions are designed for business logic and participate in navigation handling, whereas action listeners typically perform user interface logic and do not participate in navigation handling.

Basically the "action" attribute refers to an action method which returns a String from which the Faces navigation model can use to decide whether or not a navigation is necessary based on the value of the string.

An actionlistener method compared to an action method does not return a String. Instead it returns void. It is basically identical to the action method but instead it just executes the code after an action event (button click or link click) but a navigation is not needed.

Action listener is a class that wants to be notified when a command component fires an action event.

Posted Date:- 2021-09-28 05:17:19

What Are The Different Types Of Bindings In Adf?

ADF contains the following types of bindings:

Attribute Bindings: This is the binding to retrieve the value of a single view attribute in the iterator binding’s current view row. For eg; #{bindings.CustomerId.InputValue}

Tree Bindings: This is used for tables, tree-tables and trees. It is used to expose rows of a table in the iterator binding’s current range. Eg; All Customers-#{bindings.AllCustomers.labels.CustomerId}

Action Bindings: This binding type is used when buttons or command links are dropped on the user interface and require an action to be performed on them. We can use data control operations on them, for eg, Create, Delete, First, Last, Commit, Rollback etc.

Method Bindings: This binding is used when you want to use custom methods to be executed.

Iterator Binding: This binding is created by the application to access the ADF binding context. It contains a reference to the page bound data collection, helps access it and iterates over its data objects.

Posted Date:- 2021-09-28 05:17:01

What Is Binding Context And Binding Container?

Binding context is a runtime map between the data controls and page definition of pages in the application which is used to access the binding layer. It is accessible through the EL expression in your jspx pages. Binding container is a request-scoped map that is used to instantiate the page bindings. This is accessible through the EL expressions. Also, since it is request-scoped map, it is accessible during every page request.

Posted Date:- 2021-09-28 05:16:39

What Is The Difference Between Trinidad.config And Trinidad.skins?

trinidad.config file is created when you create a webcenter portal application. This is used to register the skin-family you are going to use for your entire application. Trinidad. skins is used when we use skin as a Jar file. This file provides a mapping between the Skin Id and the actual path where the skin exists.

Posted Date:- 2021-09-28 05:16:20

What Is The Difference Between Databindings.cpx And Datacontrol.dcx?

The DataBindings.cpx file contains the Oracle ADF binding context for your entire application and provides the metadata from which the Oracle ADF binding objects are created at runtime. The DataControls.dcx file is created when you register data controls on the business services. This file is not generated for Oracle ADF Business Components. It identifies the Oracle ADF model layer data control classes(factory classes) that facilitate the interaction between the client and the available business service.

Posted Date:- 2021-09-28 05:16:02

What Is Policy Store And Identity Store In Oid?

Identity Store is used to store information about users and groups while the Policy Store is used to store information about security policies.

Posted Date:- 2021-09-28 05:15:46

What Are Data Controls? What Types Of Data Controls Are You Aware Of?

A data control is essentially a bridge that makes data from a source available to the user interface in an ADF Fusion Web Application. You can use the objects in the data control to create databound user interface components.

The most commonly used types of data controls include the following :

ADF Business Components Data Control :This type of data control is generated by JDeveloper when you create an application module in your ADF Business Components application.

JavaBean Data Control : This type of data control obtains the structure of the data from POJOs (plain, old Java objects).To create a JavaBean data control, right-click a Java class file (in the Application Navigator), and choose Create Data Control.

EJB Data Control : The EJB data control is essentially the same as the JavaBean data control, except that it uses features inherent in the EJB architecture to obtain the structure of the data.You can create an EJB data control from the New Gallery. Expand the Business Tier node, select Data Controls, choose EJB Data Control, and click OK.

URL Service Data Control : A URL service data control lets you access and consume the data stream from a specified URL. This type of data control is not updateable.You can create a URL Service data control from the New Gallery. Expand the Business Tier node, select Data Controls, choose URL Service Data Control, and click OK.

Web Service Data Control : A Web Service data control obtains the structure of the data from the WSDL for a web service.You can create a Web Service data control from the New Gallery. Expand the Business Tier node, select Data Controls, choose Web Service Data Control, and click OK.

JMX Data Control : A JMX data control obtains the structure of the JMX MBeans from an MBean Server. You can create a JMX data control from the New Gallery. Expand the Business Tier node, select Data Controls, choose JMX Data Control, and click OK. For more information about creating a JMX data control, see the online help for the Create JMX Data Control wizard. Before you can create a JMX data control, you must first have a JMX connection.

Placeholder Data Control : A placeholder data control is a special type of data control that doesn't require a traditional data structure. As the name implies, it is a placeholder that can be used during UI development, and then replaced with the real data control when it becomes available.

Posted Date:- 2021-09-28 05:15:01

What Advantages Does Adfbc Gives?

It does not create a user interface, but is a pure encapsulation of business logic that communicates with a separate client application, which handles user interaction.

The advantage of ADF BC over UI-enforced business logic is reusability.

By maintaining a cache of data in memory, ADF BC reduces the number of database trips required by an application resulting in improved performance and scalability.

Removing the business logic out of the database keeps the database from handling anything but data, which increases an application's modularity and efficiency.

Entity objects, view objects, and application modules each have two parts: a Java class file and an XML file. The files have different purposes. ADF BC is a framework, this means that much of its functionality is contained in a set of libraries. ADF BC classes extend (subclass) the base classes provided by these libraries to provide complex business logic, which requires the procedural power of Java to implement.

Posted Date:- 2021-09-28 05:14:34

Explain Adfbc Architecture.?

Any J2EE application has up to three separate logcal tiers :

A client tier containing code that runs on the client and with which a user interacts
A web tier containing code that generates a user interface on an application server
A business tier containing the business logic.

ADF BC is a java and XML bases framework for developing :

Business logic, including validation and default logic
Transaction handling
Data access

Posted Date:- 2021-09-28 05:13:38

Any Idea What Are Contextual Events?

Often a page or a region within a page needs information from somewhere else on the page or from a different region. While you can pass parameters to obtain that information, doing so makes sense only when the parameters are well known and the inputs are EL-accessible to the page. Parameters are also useful when a task flow may need to be restarted if the parameter value changes.

However, suppose you have a task flow with multiple page fragments that contain various interesting values that could be used as input on one of the pages in the flow. If you were to use parameters to pass the value, the task flow would need to surface output parameters for the union of each of the interesting values on each and every fragment. Instead, for each fragment that contains the needed information, you can define a contextual event that will be raised when the page is submitted. The page or fragment that requires the information can then subscribe to the various events and receive the information through the event.

Contextual Events is an Oracle ADF feature that enables developers to implement view-to-region, region-to-view, and region-to-region communication. Among the options for passing information to and from regions, Contextual Events is the most powerful and the option that does not make regions refresh or require the referenced bounded task flow to restart.

Posted Date:- 2021-09-28 05:13:17

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