by R4R Team

Expression Evaluation using Spring’s Expression Interface:-
The simple use of SpEL interfaces and its expression language. The following code introduces the SpEL API to evaluate the literal string expression Hello World.

ExpressionParser parser = new SpelExpressionParser();

Expression exp = parser.parseExpression("'Hello World'");

String message = (String) exp.getValue();

The SpEL classes and interfaces you are most likely to use are located in the packages org.springframework.expression and its sub packages and

The interface ExpressionParser is responsible for parsing an expression string. In this example the expression string is a string literal denoted by the surrounding single quotes. The interface Expression is responsible for evaluating the previously defined expression string. There are two exceptions that can be thrown, ParseException and EvaluationException when calling parser.parseExpression and exp.getValue .

An example of method invocation, we call the concat method on the string literal.

ExpressionParser parser = new SpelExpressionParser();

Expression exp = parser.parseExpression("'Hello World'.concat('!')");

String message = (String) exp.getValue();

The value of message is now Hello World!.

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