NOT in MYSQL by R4R Team

MYSQL NOT condition:
-Basically,The MySQL NOT condition is opposite of the OR conditions in a SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE and DELETE statement.

WHERE column NOT IN (value1,value2,...);

Display all record of table employee:

SELECT * FROM employee;

emp_id emp_name department emp_salary
1 Aman D1 34000
2 Ram D2 43000
3 Ramesh D1 20000
4 John D3 65000
5 Sita D1 10000
6 Dinesh D2 15000

Now Display the employee record which do not belong to the department D1:

SELECT * FROM employee WHERE department NOT IN ('D1');

emp_id emp_name department emp_salary
2 Ram D2 43000
4 John D3 65000
6 Dinesh D2 15000

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