Change the name of column of MYSQL table by R4R Team

How we change the name of the existing column of the table?

We use Alter command to done this:
ALTER TABLE table_name
CHANGE COLUMN old_name new_name
[ FIRST | AFTER column_name ]

old_name is refer to the existing column
new_name is the name to change with column definition.
[ FIRST | AFTER column_name ] is the position of column in between FIRST AND SECOND

The following is the student table in the database:

Id name Book_Id
1 Aman 234
2 Ram 213
3 Ramesh 89
4 John 567

Now we change the name of the column named as 'name' to the 'Stud_name'


ALTER TABLE library CHANGE COLUMN name stud_name;

Now we display the table again:

SHOW library;

Id Stud_name Book_Id
1 Aman 234
2 Ram 213
3 Ramesh 89
4 John 567

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