Introduction of JSP:
JSP is one of the most powerful, easy-to-use, and
fundamental tools in a Web-site developer's toolbox. JSP combines HTML and XML
with Java TM servlet (server application extension) and JavaBeans technologies
to create a highly productive environment for developing and deploying reliable,
interactive, high-performance platform-independent Web sites.
JSP facilitates the creation of dynamic content on the server. It is part of the
Java platform's integrated solution for server-side programming, which provides
a portable alternative to other server-side technologies, such as CGI. JSP
integrates numerous Java application technologies, such as Java servlet,
JavaBeans, JDBC, and Enterprise JavaBeans. It also separates information
presentation from application logic and fosters a reusable-component model of
A common question involves deciding whether to use JSP vs. other Java
server-side technologies. Unlike the client side, which has numerous
technologies competing for dominance (including HTML and applets, Document
Object Model (DOM)-based strategies such as Weblets and doclets, and more), the
server side has relatively little overlap among the various Java server-side
technologies and clean models of interaction.
JSPs released verson:
JSP has these versions: [TODO features and what is new]
J2EE 1.2 (December 12, 1999) (Java Servlet 2.2, JSP 1.1, EJB 1.1, JDBC
J2EE 1.3 (September 24, 2001) (Java Servlet 2.3, JSP 1.2, EJB 2.0, JDBC
J2EE 1.4 (November 11, 2003) (Java Servlet 2.4, JSP 2.0, EJB 2.1, JDBC
Java EE 5 (May 11, 2006) (Java Servlet 2.5, JSP 2.1, JSTL 1.2, JSF 1.2,
EJB 3.0, JDBC 3.0)
Java EE 6 (December 10, 2009) (Java Servlet 3.0, JSP 2.2/EL 2.2, JSTL 1.2, JSF
2.0, EJB 3.1, JDBC 4.0)
Java EE 7: in 2012
advantages of JSP:
supports tag based programming. strong java programming is not,it is suitable for non-java programmers gives 9 no of implicit objetcs and we can use them directly with additional code to access them. allows to seperate presentation logic(html/code) from business logic(java code) exceptional handling is optional. increases the readibility of code because of tags modifications will be reflected without re-compliation and re-loading Gives built-in JSP tags and allows to develop custom JSP tags and to use third party supplied JSP tags easy to learn and easy to apply. JSP technology follows the write once run anywhere rule which is the basic of the java language JSP uses pure java and takes the advantage of its object oriented nature. JSP uses a combination of tags and scripting to create dynamic web pages. The JSP page uses the components like EJB, JavaBeans which are reusable. This gives the JSP reusability capabilities. |
JSP Versions:
Features of JSP 2.1
The main purpose of Java Platform, Enterprise Edition (Java EE) 5 is to ease
development. Now the Jsp2.1 includes the Java Standard Tag Library(JSTL) and
JavaServerFaces technology.
This version has new expression language (EL ) syntax that allows deferred
evaluation of expressions. It now enables using the expression to both get and
set data and to invoke methods, and facilitates customizing the resolution of a
variable or property referenced by an expression.
It supports resource injection through annotations to simplify configuring
access to resources and environment data.
It has complete alignment of JSF technology tags and JSP software code. Earlier
the version 1.0 of jsf technology depended on jsp 1.2 technology. The reason is
that the Jsp 1.2 was already available at the time, and the intension was to
make the Jsf 1.0 interface more accessible to a broader audience. As jsp1.2 does
not have an integrated expression language and because the Jsp 2.0 EL does not
meet all of the needs of Jsf, therefore jsp2.1 was developed to enhance the
expression language to meet the needs of Jsf technology.
Qualified functions now take precedence over the ternary operator when the "."
operator in use or we can say that ability to redefine the behavior of the
"."operator through a Property Resolver API.
EL now supports "literal expressions". The expression which were previously
considered to be non-EL value text must now be considered an EL expression.
EL now supports Java 5.0 enumerations.
Ability to plug in Property Resolvers on a per-application and per-page basis.
Ability to express references to bean methods using the expression language and
invoking those methods via a Method Binding API.
This version requires these jars:
1) ant-1.6.5.jar
2) core-3.1.1.jar
3) jsp-2.1.jar
4) jsp-api-2.1.jar
New Features in JSP 2.0:
JSP 2.0 is released with new promises. JSP 2.0 is an upgrade to JSP 1.2 with
several new and interesting features. These features makes the life of web
application developers and designers easier.
The JavaServer Pages 2.0 Specification is fully backwards compatible with
version 1.2. JSP 2.0 allows the developer to write script-free code without
without declarations, scriptlets and expressions.
JSP 2.0 is released with the objective of making the life of Developers easy.
Here is the new features of JSP 2.0:
.Simple Expression Language (EL)
.JSP Fragments
.Simple Tag Handlers
.Easy tags creation with .tag files
.Easy Header and Footer template using the prelude and coda includes
With JSP 2.0 web develop has become easily and it also helps easily maintaining
dynamic Web pages. Despite the fact the word "Java" appears in JavaServer
Pages, with JSP 2.0 the developer can develop pages without learning Java
programming language. Learning and using the features of JSP 2.0 is also very
The description of the features is given below:
Simple Expression Language(EL): Expression Language (EL), provides a way to
simplify expressions in JSP. EL provides the ability to use run-time expressions
outside JSP scripting elements. Scripting elements are those elements which is
used to embed Java code inside the JSP file. Mostly it contains the logic of the
program. Scripting elements have three subforms:
Declaration: The variables and methods are declared inside declaration.
Scriptlets: The business logic of the program is written inside this.
Expressions: output will be displayed by the expression.
Expression Language can be enabled in scriptfree JSP pages:
1). By using a page directive: We can
enable EL by using <%@ page isScriptingEnabled="true|false" isEnabled="true|false"%> 2). By using an element of the deployment descriptor: <jsp-config> <jsp-property-group> <url-pattern>*.jsp</url-pattern> <el-enabled>true</el-enabled> <scripting-enabled>true</scripting-enabled> </jsp-property-group> </jsp-config> |
JSP Fragments: Jsp fragments is a new feature of
JSP 2.0 which allows page author to create custom action fragments that can be
invoked. The JSP fragments allows a portion of Jsp code to be encapsulated into
a Java object that can be passed around and evaluated zero or more times.
Methods for creating a JSP fragment:
1). Providing the body of a <jsp:attribute>:
<% attribute name="attributeName" fragment="true">
2). Providing the body of a tag invocation:
Simple Tag Handlers:
Easy tags creation with .tag files: With the introduction of JSP 2.0,
knowledge of Java is no longer a prerequisite to create a custom tag action.
Easy Header and Footer template using the prelude and coda includes
With JSP 2.0 web development has become easy and it also helps in maintaining
dynamic web pages easily. To learn JSP 2.0 there is no need to learn java.