Config Implicit Object in JSP with examples:
It is an instance of javax.servlet.ServletConfig. Config Implicit object is used
for getting configuration information for a particular JSP page. Using
application implicit object we can get application-wide initialization
parameters, however using Config we can get initialization parameters of an
individual servlet mapping.
Methods of Config Implicit Object:
String getInitParameter(String paramname) – Same what we discussed in
application implicit object tutorial.
Enumeration getInitParameterNames() – Returns enumeration of
Initialization parameters.
ServletContext getServletContext() – This method returns a reference to
the Servlet context.
String getServletName() – It returns the name of the servlet which we
define in the web.xml file inside <servlet-name> tag.
Config Implicit Object Example:
Let’s say below is my web.xml file. I’m just defining servlet name and servlet
mapping in it. Later, I would fetch few details from this file using config
implicit object.
In this JSP page we are calling getServletName() method of config object for
fetching the servlet name from web.xml file.
<head> <title> Config Implicit Object</title>
String sname=config.getServletName();
out.print("Servlet Name is: "+sname);