Object Relational Mapping (ORM) by R4R Team

Hibernate in Java is framework used for developing the data access layer in Java based applications. Hibernate is an open-source ORM solution for Java applications.Hibernate framework simplifies the development of java application to interact with the database. Hibernate is an open source, lightweight, ORM (Object Relational Mapping) tool.

An ORM tool simplifies the data creation, data manipulation and data access. It is a programming technique that maps the object to the data stored in the database.

Why Object Relational Mapping (ORM)?

When we work with an object-oriented systems, there's a mismatch between the object model and the relationaldatabase. RDBMSs represent data in a tabular format whereas object-oriented languages, such as Java or C# represent it as an interconnected graph of objects. Consider the following Java Class with proper constructors and associated public function:

public class Student {

 private int id;
 private String first_name;
 private String last_name; 
 private int salary;
public Employee() {}
 public Employee(String fname, String lname, int salary) {
 this.first_name = fname;
 this.last_name = lname;
 this.salary = salary;
 public int getId() {
 return id;
 public String getFirstName() {
 return first_name;
 public String getLastName() {
 return last_name;
 public int getSalary() {
 return salary;
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