Call by reference in C++ by R4R Team

Call by refrence:
-Here call by refrence means we call a function and pass variable refrence instead of variable value.
-Pointer are used in such kind of calling.


#include < iostream>
using namespace std;
class Myclass
void swap(int *a,int *b)
int t=*a;
int main()
Myclass obj;
int i=10,j=20;
cout<<"Before function calling"<< endl;
cout<<"i and j is: "<< i<<" "<< j<< endl;
cout<<"After function calling"<< endl;
cout<<"i and j is: "<< i<<" "<< j;
return 0;


Before function calling
i and j is 10 20
After function calling
i and j is 20 10
-When we pass any variable through call by refrence then it also effect the actual data.

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